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Pivot! Open houses are headed to video

This past year we have seen the real estate industry pivot as open houses - one of the main sources of lead generation for agents - were cancelled left and right. On the selling side, agents had to get creative with how they show their listing to buyers, with many buyers unable or unwilling to view homes in person. How did top-agents continue to grow their business during this time?

Enter video. Agents turned their attention to video and saw an increase in leads and an increase in closed transactions. There was such an increase in lead activity in the last year that video is now the way of the future. Are you wondering how?

How is it possible that agents who switched to video generated more leads? We have the answer: buyers and sellers want an agent who uses video, it’s as simple as that. Video is easier and more efficient for both sides of the transaction.

The best part? We’ve created a video subscription service to help you make the transition to a digital real estate world. Before we get into that, let's get into how exactly these agents are generating leads with video.

Video + Virtual Tour

Instead of sitting at an open house and your lead pool being limited to the people who walk through the door, agents who have turned to using video in place of the traditional open house have an unlimited lead generation pool.

Why? Because your open house can live forever on social media where anyone can interact with it at any time. No longer are you confined to saturdays and sundays from 11:00 - 1:00 or 1:00 - 3:00. Potential buyers can view your virtual tour and ask questions about the home at anytime, wherever they are in the world.

It’s common sense that more viewers = more leads! One agent, who switched to live- video open houses, said that her open house views doubled, and when she posted the open-house video to her page the number of viewers doubled even more.

One of the best parts of a video open-house is that you can continue to promote the video long after the open house hours are over. We suggest turning your virtual tour video into an entire online experience.

Post the virtual tour video on your social media and hold a live Q&A in the comment section. Interact with hundreds of people and have the potential to generate tens of thousands in commission for 20 minutes worth of work.

A virtual tour video in 20 minutes?

Yep, you read that right! With the help of Rolla, you can create a whole virtual home tour in under 20 minutes with our video subscription service. Our members have access to a variety of tools that make the video creation process simple.

All Rolla members have access to virtual tour templates that are designed to take the thinking out of creating video. We’ve already figured out what shots make your video most compelling, just follow along with the template and you’ll be well on your way to a compelling virtual tour video.

Our team will splice together your clips and add background music to your video. In under 48 hours, you will receive a professional quality video. From there, post it on social media and start interacting with your audience! Check out virtual tour videos our Rolla members are using now!

Why wait any longer? Subscribe today.


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